About Zachary

Zachary Crane is a self-taught artist. His creative process is one of arrival. While there may be a central character to a particular piece the elements and scenery develop and evolve as the piece comes to completion.  He has always worked in mixed media ranging from oil painting, watercolor, colored pencil, pen and ink, collage, and sculpture.  His inspiration is drawn from his own emotional reaction to stories, memories, and even pop culture. He began his artistic exploration through graphic novels.  His pieces always have a sense of a story and something more going on beyond the parameter of the composition. He is drawn to imagery that invokes a sense of nostalgia or having been there before. A sharp sense of humor drives the over all feeling of the work, while a deeper individual style imposes a sophistication and reverence for the depicted character or subject matter.  

At a young age he already begun an impressive repertoire of accomplishments. He has written and published two books "Crazy Horse" and "On Mission." He has exhibited in four solo exhibitions and two group shows between Park City, UT and Los Angeles, CA in the last two years. His collectors include, serious art collectors, celebrities, and production companies alike, such as Katy Perry, Carmen Electra, Coco, Johnny Wujek and Miley Cyrus. Crane recently completed art for a promotional installation for a top secret traveling art exhibit for Paramount Pictures film, Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles releasing Summer 2014. 


Zachary is an accomplished fashion illustrator and has begun work on his own fashion line.  he has all ready begun work for fashion designers worldwide.  


His most recent exhibition "Notice, Need and Love Me" was sponsored by Icee and Zing Vodka and Carmen Electra hosted the closing evening as the guest of honor.